Thursday 4 September 2014

Week 3 Blog post

Stephen Stockwells books

  • Isakhan, B., & Stockwell, S. (2011). The secret history of democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Stockwell, S., 1954. (2005). Political campaign strategy: Doing democracy in the 21st century. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
  • Stockwell, S. E. (2010). Rhetoric and democracy: Deliberative opportunities in current electoral processes VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
  • Stockwell, S., 1954, & Scott, P., 1961. (2000). All-media guide to fair and cross-cultural reporting: For journalists, program makers and media students. Nathan, Qld: Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy.
Jean Luc Goddard's 'Alphaville'

  • Gidal, P. (1989). Materialist film. New York; London: Routledge. Located at Nathan campus.
  • Goulet, A., & ebrary, I. (2006). Optiques: The science of the eye and the birth of modern french fiction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. eBook located online.
Sterritt, D. (1999). The films of jean-luc goddard: Seeing the invisible. Cambirdge, U.K; New York: Cambridge University Press. Located at Nathan campus.

Social Media

  • Orlik, P. B. (2007). Exploring electronic media: Chronicles and challenges. Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell Pub.
This book heavily revolves its content around the ways technologies advancement has shaped social media.

Internet Addiction

Medical opinion is divided on whether Internet addiction exists as a mental disorder in its own right or whether it’s an expression of pre-existing mental disorders or behavioural problems. For example, a person who compulsively trawls the Internet for online gambling venues may have a gambling problem rather than an Internet addiction. 

More research is needed into this ‘chicken or the egg’ aspect of Internet addiction before any conclusive answers are known.

Acquired from 

Surveillance Cameras

IT engineers are finding it hard to keep up with the latest technologies being presented, therefore IT Engineers are resorting to stock standard surveillance systems that get the job done without being too much of a hassle to service.

A theme that could be introduced into an essay topic could be of how tech could be growing too fast for the average consumer to keep up with.

  • Kruegle, H. (2006). CCTV surveillance: Video practices and technology Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Webster, C. W. R., Töpfer, E., & Klauser, F. R. (2012). Video surveillance. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
  • Zhu, Z., Dr, Huang, T. S., 1936, & ebrary, I. (2007). Multimodal surveillance: Sensors, algorithms, and systems. Boston: Artech House Inc.

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